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Stars - The Universe - Creator of All that Is - ThetaHealing


What is the ThetaHealing?


ThetaHealing is a technique that involves meditation and spirituality and was developed by the American Vianna Stibal in 1995. 


In ThetaHealing, through guided meditation, we raise our consciousness to a higher plane and connect to the Creative Energy of all that exists. From this connection, we can promote positive changes in our lives, clearing blockages and limiting beliefs, connecting us to positive emotions and feelings, re-signifying memories and traumas, and transforming our energy and that of everything around us into something positive. 



How is the Session?


ThetaHealing sessions can be done in person or online. In them, as in the Multidimensional, we work on an issue brought by the person. I start the session by doing a short meditation that will put me in a Theta state and allow me to connect with the client's energy field. Afterwards, I will ask some questions that will help us identify the root belief, or what started what is currently causing the client discomfort. When we find the origin, we begin a deep energetic and spiritual work, which will help resignify the energy of that moment, through several techniques provided by ThetaHealing. 



Benefits of ThetaHealing:


  • It helps us find ways to improve symptoms of depression;

  • Strengthens us emotionally and mentally to enter into a self-healing process, including physical issues;

  • Increases our self-love and self-confidence;

  • Helps us to work on ourselves, how to improve all our relationships;

  • Opens up space for us to find our most compatible soul-mate;

  • Helps us to disconnect from some old love relationship (through Energetic Divorce);

  • Helps us to eliminate blockages and repetitive patterns in our lives;

  • It allows us to balance our chakras;

  • Allows the improvement of our relationship with our body;

  • Allows us to manifest prosperity and abundance into our lives;

  • It enables communication with our Spirit Guides, as well as with family members who may no longer be on this plane. 


Check here the price for the ThetaHealing Sessions.



©2021 por Raquel Lima. Created with

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