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Flowers - Secret Garden of the Multidimensional


What is the Multidimensional Therapy?


Multidimensional Therapy, or also known as Heart Therapy, was channeled in 1989 by the French Hélène Abiassi, who received it through Beings of Light 


It is based on our capacity for unconditional love, located in our Heart Chakra and will act in all dimensions of your being, seeking to bring about an elevation of consciousness and healing of the issues that prevent you from creating the reality you desire.


In it, the healer is only an intermediary who will make the connection between the client and the spiritual team, who will work to help with the issue brought by the client to the session. This contact with the Beings of Light happens through the therapist's heart chakra. 



How is the Session?


During the session, which can take place at a distance or in person, I will talk quickly with the client to know and understand what is the subject that should be worked on. Afterwards, I will enter into a meditative state, during which I will visualize my inner garden and contact my Spiritual Team. In this process I will remain in silence for approximately 40 minutes, and I will be writing down on paper information that will be passed on to me, by these Light Beings, about the client and the theme we are working on.   When I finish, I will get in contact again to comment on everything that was done and written during the session. 



Can I order a session for someone else?


Yes, you can. In the Multidimensional Therapy, we work with the Higher Self of each person; therefore, it is not necessary to have the authorization of the person to request the therapy. If he/she does not wish to receive the treatment, him/her Higher Self will not accept it. 



Some benefits of Multidimensional Therapy:


  • Opening of our heart chakra, helping to connect with our inner God;

  • Chakra balance;

  • Cancellation and updating of contracts, promises, oaths and vows, from this or previous lives or other dimensions, which no longer serve us; as well as the cleansing of curses and spells;

  • Harmonization of our relationships, of any kind;

  • Rescue and Healing of fragments of souls trapped in other people, places, times or dimensions;

  • Greater connection with our Higher Self;

  • Rescue of our Inner Child and our purpose in life;

  • Strengthening of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health;

  • Clearing of limiting beliefs, repetitive patterns, and memories related to pain and suffering;

  • Harmonization with our ancestors;

  • Helping us to manifest and materialize our dreams and projects, cleansing everything that prevents us from achieving them.


Check here the price for the Multidimensional Sessions.



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